

A blend of thoughts, insights and info generally inspired by good coffee.

Web to email with Mailgun

- 3 minute read

We recently migrated a number of of our client websites over to Mailgun for sending emails from web forms and components with a data to email requirement.

When we hook up web to email we generally use authenticated SMTP servers tied to the domain…

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Privacy Act 2020

- 3 minute read

The Privacy Act 2020 came into force on 1 December 2020, replacing the Privacy Act 1993. Now that the dust has settled we take a look at some of the effects the updated act has had on how we build our products.

Undoubtedly one of the trickier…

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Rescuing Inflight Projects

- 3 minute read

Every so often we are tasked with rescuing a project. The rationale behind why a project finds itself in a position where it needs rescuing tends to vary widely, it could be financial, political, ownership, shifting market forces or a change of direction.


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Using purpose to redesign a website

- 5 minute read

In recent weeks we've been working on updating customer websites as many customers pivot their businesses in response to Covid-19. Part of this work has included full redesigns of two ancient (by internet standards at least), websites.


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Kōtuitui Inquiry app featured in Interface Magazine

- 2 minute read

This month we’ve been featured in Interface, a technology magazine that includes every school in New Zealand in its distribution list. This is a pretty big deal for us so…

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