Creating for business
- 2 minute read
We craft products that enable businesses to achieve their goals. The key to creating products that service the need, yet remain flexible enough to grow with the business, is in understanding the business we are designing for.
Every business…
Feature creep and how we approach it
- 3 minute read
Projects, like all things, evolve over time and inevitably at some stage during the course of a project there is a request for an addition or change that is outside the the project scope. This is known as feature creep and it happens for a wide variety…
Product Designer to Web Designer and Developer
- 2 minute read
Dan, our lead designer and developer, has his roots in product design, skills that have stood up well in the digital world of web design and development. Product designers have to think both creatively and technically, designing a and bringing to market…
Choosing a CMS
- 2 minute read
WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Grav and Craft to name but a few. These are what we know as a Content Management System (CMS) and all these systems work fundamentally in the same way. The basic premise of a CMS is to allow the users of a website to which…