

A blend of thoughts, insights and info generally inspired by good coffee.

Who owns your website?

- 3 minute read

Simple question, simple answer right? You do. Don’t you?

Well, not necessarily. Depending on who you’ve commissioned as your website developers/provider the answer may not be as simple as you think. One of the widely discussed players in the…

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You have to write a blog for marketing your company

- 3 minute read

Standing out from the crowd in the digital world is always a challenge where subtle points of difference are amplified. Recently we were a asked a question by a new contact about blog writing, or in her case not writing, most surprising for us was…

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Protecting your brand with domain names

- 2 minute read

Back in the day, protecting our brands with domain names was a little more straightforward. We chose our brand name and bought the matching .co.nz, or country specific extension, and possibly the .com to go with it if we felt like being a bit more…

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