

A blend of thoughts, insights and info generally inspired by good coffee.

When the conversation goes beyond web design

- 2 minute read

Often when we are commissioned to work on projects for start-ups or smaller businesses during the course of a conversation we are asked about pressing IT concerns outside the web sphere, such as computer hardware issues. "Oh, by the way, would you…

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Engaging new clients

- 1 minute read

Having been appraised of a recent experience with a company that charged for a first meeting, we thought we would set about explaining why we do not.

We put a lot of weight upon our client relationships and we work very hard to ensure they continue…

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Registering domain names the right way

- 2 minute read

Over the years we have transferred, hosted and registered a lot of domain names. Of all the issues we have faced the biggest is often the one which should never have occurred and at first glance seems to be the simplest of administrative errors, but…

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Protecting your brand with domain names

- 2 minute read

Back in the day, protecting our brands with domain names was a little more straightforward. We chose our brand name and bought the matching .co.nz, or country specific extension, and possibly the .com to go with it if we felt like being a bit more…

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